We create portfolios that are aligned with your goals and risk tolerance so you can protect and grow your wealth.
We apply proven research and create globally diversified portfolios. We follow a four-step process in our investing:
We follow our 3D planning process to understand your long-term financial goals and needs. This long-term plan shows what investment returns you’ll need.
We understand your risk tolerance, timeframe, income needs, and taxes and recommend an appropriate mix of stocks, bonds, and alternative assets that fits your needs
We review and confirm our recommendations to ensure you feel comfortable and your questions are answered
We implement your investment plan in a tax efficient way. We rebalance regularly and communicate with you on your progress towards your long-term goals
Our approach is informed by our investing principles:
Markets are reliable over the long-term and volatile in the short-term. We are long-term investors for clients.
Avoid conflicts of interest – we are a fee-only advisor and do not receive any commissions or financial incentives for how our clients invest
We favor low-cost investment options to save our clients money and access better performing funds
We believe that research has shown that applying financial research to access investment premiums can yield superior results over both passive and active investment approaches public equity and bond markets [1]
We believe some alternative assets can yield superior returns. These include private equity, private credit, and structured notes
We limit portfolio turnover and avoid short-term trading
[1] “Performance of the Premiums”, Dimensional Fund Advisors